University of South Alabama
Friday, October 22, 2021
USA Student Center
Zoom Link for Virtual Attendees: https://southalabama.zoom.us/j/93276877144
Concurrent Session 1 (10:30-11:15 am):
Theme: Throwing Advisors a Lifeline-Topics in Supporting Academic Advisors
Abstract: As students navigate the uncertainty of college, advisors are there to assist and help alleviate the challenges that students may face along the unpredictable journey. Academic Advisors can act as an icebreaker ship which is made to help break even the thickest of ice in order to make paths accessible and clear for incoming ships. During our presentation, we will provide examples of common obstacles students may encounter and discuss ways we were able to assess and remove some of those obstacles. Through a step-by-step process we will help participants identify obstacles that may be present at their institutions and share, in small groups, ways to make the paths to success clearer.
Theme: Throwing Advisors a Lifeline-Topics in Supporting Academic Advisors
Abstract: Academic Advising can be defined in many ways due to the forever changing and complex nature of meeting student needs. However, one thing that can be agreed on is that this process is a key factor along a student’s academic journey. No advising appointment is the same simply because no one student is the same. With that said, an effective training process for new advisors is critical to support student growth, development and educational achievement. A common struggle with training in the academic advising profession is a localized resource to approach advisor training. What the department of Academic Advising and Transfer Services has done is create an interactive advising manual accessible to new employees, a comprehensive training checklist and a practical shadowing process to help advisors become acclimated to their role, the institution and the profession. In this presentation we will share the experiences of our most recent hire as well as tactics and strategies utilized by AATS to load the cargo of new advisors as they embark S.S. Success.
Theme: Facing Starboard-Supporting Students Through Campus Resources
Abstract: Helping students prepare for life after college is an important part of advising. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified eight core competencies related to career readiness. Career Services at the University of South Alabama has been working to incorporate these core competencies into their advising conversations with students as these are a valuable addition to any advisor’s toolkit.
- Option 1: Ballroom/Zoom Main Session
Theme: Throwing Advisors a Lifeline-Topics in Supporting Academic Advisors
Abstract: As students navigate the uncertainty of college, advisors are there to assist and help alleviate the challenges that students may face along the unpredictable journey. Academic Advisors can act as an icebreaker ship which is made to help break even the thickest of ice in order to make paths accessible and clear for incoming ships. During our presentation, we will provide examples of common obstacles students may encounter and discuss ways we were able to assess and remove some of those obstacles. Through a step-by-step process we will help participants identify obstacles that may be present at their institutions and share, in small groups, ways to make the paths to success clearer.
- Option 2: Terrace/Zoom Breakout Room 1
Theme: Throwing Advisors a Lifeline-Topics in Supporting Academic Advisors
Abstract: Academic Advising can be defined in many ways due to the forever changing and complex nature of meeting student needs. However, one thing that can be agreed on is that this process is a key factor along a student’s academic journey. No advising appointment is the same simply because no one student is the same. With that said, an effective training process for new advisors is critical to support student growth, development and educational achievement. A common struggle with training in the academic advising profession is a localized resource to approach advisor training. What the department of Academic Advising and Transfer Services has done is create an interactive advising manual accessible to new employees, a comprehensive training checklist and a practical shadowing process to help advisors become acclimated to their role, the institution and the profession. In this presentation we will share the experiences of our most recent hire as well as tactics and strategies utilized by AATS to load the cargo of new advisors as they embark S.S. Success.
- Option 3: Room 203 (not accessible by Zoom)
Theme: Facing Starboard-Supporting Students Through Campus Resources
Abstract: Helping students prepare for life after college is an important part of advising. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified eight core competencies related to career readiness. Career Services at the University of South Alabama has been working to incorporate these core competencies into their advising conversations with students as these are a valuable addition to any advisor’s toolkit.
Concurrent Session 2 (11:30 am-12:15 pm):
Theme: Throwing Advisors a Lifeline-Topics in Supporting Academic Advisors
Abstract: Cambridge Dictionary defines compete as, “to do an activity with others and try to do better than they do." The same dictionary goes on to define teamwork as, “the combined actions of a group of people working together effectively to achieve a goal." During this unprecedented time, it is more important than ever that schools across the country learn to work together and protect the needs of students. This presentation will show how having and utilizing Pathway programs is beneficial not only to our four-year schools where the programs are housed, but also beneficial to our two-year partners. We want to clear up misconceptions of competition and show how working together leads to a far better experience across the board with students and colleagues. We will help you understand the goals of our program as well as how to utilize it to potentially lighten your load.
Theme: Anchor Down-Dig into new and creative ways to support students
Abstract: Many academic advisors have heard of appreciative advising, but are we as a campus of advisors truly putting it into practice? At the University of South Alabama, we have seen the benefits of incorporating appreciative advising into our advising practice as it has a significant impact on student experience and is critical to retention initiatives. Appreciative advising is a tool that, when used effectively, can change the advising experience for both the advisor and the student. How do we ensure that all offices across campus are giving students this same advising experience? This presentation discusses the process of producing appreciative advising training tools that, if executed properly and received openly, should give all advisors across campus the background to execute appreciate advising in each academic advising appointment.
Theme: Anchor Down-Dig into new and creative ways to support students
Abstract: Academic Advisors play many roles. We are mentors, coaches, advisors, certainly. We connect students to resources. We do all we can to support students. These many hats prove particularly effective when working with students who are struggling academically. This presentation will provide techniques utilized by AATS advisors that allow us to engage with students on probation and/ or returning to the institution from academic suspension in an attempt to retain them and set them up for academic and personal success.
- Option 1: Ballroom/Zoom Main Session (Go to Lunch at 12:15 pm)
Theme: Throwing Advisors a Lifeline-Topics in Supporting Academic Advisors
Abstract: Cambridge Dictionary defines compete as, “to do an activity with others and try to do better than they do." The same dictionary goes on to define teamwork as, “the combined actions of a group of people working together effectively to achieve a goal." During this unprecedented time, it is more important than ever that schools across the country learn to work together and protect the needs of students. This presentation will show how having and utilizing Pathway programs is beneficial not only to our four-year schools where the programs are housed, but also beneficial to our two-year partners. We want to clear up misconceptions of competition and show how working together leads to a far better experience across the board with students and colleagues. We will help you understand the goals of our program as well as how to utilize it to potentially lighten your load.
- Option 2: Terrace/Zoom Breakout Room 1 (Go to Lunch at 12:20 pm)
Theme: Anchor Down-Dig into new and creative ways to support students
Abstract: Many academic advisors have heard of appreciative advising, but are we as a campus of advisors truly putting it into practice? At the University of South Alabama, we have seen the benefits of incorporating appreciative advising into our advising practice as it has a significant impact on student experience and is critical to retention initiatives. Appreciative advising is a tool that, when used effectively, can change the advising experience for both the advisor and the student. How do we ensure that all offices across campus are giving students this same advising experience? This presentation discusses the process of producing appreciative advising training tools that, if executed properly and received openly, should give all advisors across campus the background to execute appreciate advising in each academic advising appointment.
- Option 3: Room 203 (not accessible by Zoom) (Go to Lunch at 12:25 pm)
Theme: Anchor Down-Dig into new and creative ways to support students
Abstract: Academic Advisors play many roles. We are mentors, coaches, advisors, certainly. We connect students to resources. We do all we can to support students. These many hats prove particularly effective when working with students who are struggling academically. This presentation will provide techniques utilized by AATS advisors that allow us to engage with students on probation and/ or returning to the institution from academic suspension in an attempt to retain them and set them up for academic and personal success.
Concurrent Session 3 (1:30-2:15 pm):
Theme: Anchor Down-Dig into new and creative ways to support students
Abstract: Academic Advisors play many roles. We are mentors, coaches, advisors, certainly. We connect students to resources. We do all we can to support students. These many hats prove particularly effective when working with students who are struggling academically. This presentation will provide techniques utilized by AATS advisors that allow us to engage with students on probation and/ or returning to the institution from academic suspension in an attempt to retain them and set them up for academic and personal success.
Theme: Facing Starboard-Supporting Students Through Campus Resources
Abstract: Helping students prepare for life after college is an important part of advising. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified eight core competencies related to career readiness. Career Services at the University of South Alabama has been working to incorporate these core competencies into their advising conversations with students as these are a valuable addition to any advisor’s toolkit.
- Option 1: Ballroom/Zoom Main Session
Theme: Anchor Down-Dig into new and creative ways to support students
Abstract: Academic Advisors play many roles. We are mentors, coaches, advisors, certainly. We connect students to resources. We do all we can to support students. These many hats prove particularly effective when working with students who are struggling academically. This presentation will provide techniques utilized by AATS advisors that allow us to engage with students on probation and/ or returning to the institution from academic suspension in an attempt to retain them and set them up for academic and personal success.
- Option 2: Terrace/Zoom Breakout Room 1
Theme: Facing Starboard-Supporting Students Through Campus Resources
Abstract: Helping students prepare for life after college is an important part of advising. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified eight core competencies related to career readiness. Career Services at the University of South Alabama has been working to incorporate these core competencies into their advising conversations with students as these are a valuable addition to any advisor’s toolkit.